This means that Girl can once more join the throngs of people who have lives apart from their work...
And since it is now Autumn where Girl is, it is harvest time!
Proof that Girl's attempt at planting cherry tomatoes was a success and one which will hopefully be repeated next year...
And to remind Girl of the hot summer past...a picture of Girl's collection of succulents in various pots and containers picked up from various garage sales and op shops.

It is now time for Girl to tidy up her garden and to make plans for next year...
Girl will definitely have...
- cherry tomatoes
- spinach (and more spinach!)
- lettuces
- capsicums
- zuchini
- garlic shoots and spring onions
Girl will pass on patty pan squash next year, cute though they may look on the labels, since they were a resounding failure this year...
Now onto the flower garden...