Sunday, September 20, 2009

In The Beginning...

Take one weed-ridden plot of earth...

Banish weeds to that big compost heap in the sky...

Here as you can see, Girl has removed most of the worst weeds and covered the cleared vege plot with weedmat and planks while waiting for the weather to settle down...

Plant seedlings in neat rows...

The plants are nestled into the pea straw mulch that was spread on the vege patch in autumn to discourage weeds. The plot was also generously fertilised with chook droppings and other organic matter throughout autumn and winter.

Plant count: 3 courgettes, 17 lettuces of different varieties, 5 broccolini plants, 6 silverbeets and numerous spinach plants that were sown way back in autumn

Water industriously throughout summer...

Eat enthusiastically when ready...

Pan fried salmon fillet and fresh spinach and garlic shoots from Girl's garden.

The salmon was marinaded in soy sauce, sesame oil and worcestershire sauce and then pan-fried.
The fresh spinach (the first harvest of the year, BTW!!) was blanched in hot water and seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil and finely chopped garlic shoots. Brilliant!

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