Well, in cake-land, things are never quite so straight forward...
Girl baked a chocolate cake yesterday (click here for the fuss-free recipe) and kept it uncovered in the fridge overnight to cool down completely...
Mistake number 1: Always keep cakes covered...or else they become as dry as a baby in a disposable diaper...

The cake was crumbled into a bowl and a whole 250gm block of cream cheese was beaten into the cake crumbs...
Mistake number 2: Never underestimate the amount of cream cheese needed...
The mixture was then shaped into hearts (using a cookie cutter) and balls and then put into the fridge. After 20 minutes or so, the hearts were dipped into melted white chocolate...
...and then promptly disintegrated as they had not been refrigerated long enough...
Mistake number 3: PATIENCE~~!! Or suffer the later consequences of the lack of it...and oh, by the way, make ABSOLUTELY sure that no water gets into the melted chocolate

The rest of the hearts and balls were then dipped into melted dark chocolate and decorated...

And yes, Girl's cake pops were stuck into oranges as she did not have styrofoam blocks...far more environmentally friendly and healthy as the oranges were eaten up once they were no longer required as a baking aid *giggle*
The end result? Three and a half hours of work for 20 cake pops...Too much faff and palaver? You decide... *grin*