...and some you don't...

It's kinda a little hard to put a finger on just what's wrong with this loaf of bread, isn't it...
Perhaps its the unusual shape of the loaf...?
Or perhaps the dimpled crust...so horribly reminiscent of cellulite!
Anyhow...all that Girl knows is that somewhere along the line, she made a boo-boo while making this loaf of bread...
Here's what Girl put intothe loaf of bread...
3 cups of strong flour; 16gms of instant yeast; approximately 300mls of warm water; half a tablespoon of sugar; a pinch of salt
And here is what Girl did...
The warm water and sugar and yeast were mixed together first and left for about 5 minutes. Girl then put all the flour into a large mixing bowl and made a well in the middle of the bowl. The sugar water and yeast mixture was then poured into the middle of the well and then the flour was mixed into the liquid to form a dough. The dough was kneaded and then placed into a well-oiled bowl to prove. When the dough was twice its original size, it was knocked down and kneaded again...
...and Girl thinks that it was at this stage that she made the fatal mistake by not being organised with her baking tins...by the time Girl had found her baking tins, the dough had started to prove again and when Girl tried to transfer the dough to the baking tins, she found herself with sticky handfuls of dough mixture...the resultant mess was then transferred to an *ahem* baking tray...
...the dough was then left to prove on the baking tray and when it was pouffed up, it was put into an oven and baked at 200 degrees for about half an hour...
Girl dislikes being bested by anything...even bread dough! She is resolved to try again tomorrow...