Honey Hazelnut Muffins and Banana Walnut Muffins
The grainy pictures do not do the least justice to the delectable Pear Cake...
The Chicken Kiev did turn out a little disappointing from Girl's point of view as it looked a little dry and came served only with peas and mashed potatoes. However, Girl's friend seemed to find nothing amiss and ate everything on his plate...
Girl had decided to take the plunge and ordered the Beef Shashlik, not quite knowing what to expect. A skewerful of chunks of perfectly grilled beef covered with an onion relish accompanied by a large helping of vegetables and a thin pancake was what it turned out to be...
Girl loved the combination of grilled meat, fresh veges and wafer-thin pancake...three of her favourite things all on one plate...Luxury!
Girl had been told by a family member that the honey cake had received glowing reviews from previous diners at the restaurant but Girl decided that she was, unfortunately, too stuffed to eat another thing...
...perhaps next time *^_^*
A portion of Girl's home-made Moussaka and a horiatiki salata sans olives, peppers etc...
A few hours later...
Instead of taking a Nana Nap, Girl went out and got herself a block of Philly Cream Cheese *drools* and made Cream Cheese Frosting (sans butter) for her Banana Coffee cupcakes...
Here they are..
Left to Right: Rendang, Fried Asparagus with dried shrimp and Shrimp Paste, Thai Vermicelli Salad with Cucumber.
Steamed Broccoli
Salmon in a Tamarind sauce; the fattiness of the fish is complemented beautifully by the sourness of the sauce...
Grilled pork chop with tomato, cucumber and avocado salsa and salad leaves.
20 minutes later, Girl realised the importance of sticking to the exact temperature given in the recipe (180c for 30-35 minutes) as she stared at two well-browned loaves with squishy insides...ick! The two loaves were returned to the oven to be baked at 150c for awhile in the hopes of drying the insides out while not browning the crusts any further...
The cakes turned out OK...(despite the cock-up). They were light and not too sweet and most importantly, almost 100% fool-proof, now that Girl has learnt a valuable lesson about baking temperatures! This Yoghurt cake looks set to become the base recipe of many variations of cake in the future...
On a further note...Girl and Kalosha ate the two cakes up yesterday...actually Kalosha ate most of it. Girl thought the cakes were a little on the dry side (not surprising) while Kalosha thought they were OK. Kalosha suggested Girl put in carrots and sultanas into the cake in future. Bah! Philistine!
On an even further note...Girl has tried recreating the cake again and this time, had the same problem! Very brown outsides and damp inside! :( This time, Girl baked cake at 150c for longer. Maybe its not Girl's cooking abilities...maybe is recipe *frowns and rushes off to Google another recipe*
Berries for a luxurious touch...
...enjoy the sight of them while you can...
Girl anxiously watches her little babies as they rise and brown and drown their berry toppings...
The chocolate topping fares better, being not quite so plump and weighty. Girl later finds the berries at the bottom of the cupcake, their tartness a perfect foil to the shocking sweetness of the cake, although aesthetically, they are a failure...
However, there is always a silver lining in every cloud...
PUFF 2: Tuna Puffs
Ingredients: A packet of puff pastry and a can of tuna (sweet thai chilli).
As before, Girl thawed pastry, cut it into squares, placed tuna in the middle of the pastry squares, squeezed edges together and baked them. This time, the bottoms came out a little iffy (because of the liquid from the tuna, Girl suspects...). The choice of sweet thai chilli tuna could have turned out so bad but instead, Girl had savoury, triangular puffs of spicy tuna for dinner. Very filling and cheap!
And yes, this time, Girl screwed up the baking time a little...check it out...