It had been a day of mild successes for Girl...
Girl had a friend come over for dinner tonight and was told that the dishes she had made (fried eggplant with dried shrimp and shrimp paste and lemongrass chicken) was delicious.
Score: Girl 1: Blah 0
Girl had, in the course of the last 24 hours, made a pear cake, honey & hazelnut muffins and banana muffins with walnuts...Girl's friend loved the pear cake that she was served and did not complain when Girl packed away a substantial amount for her to take home along with some muffins
Score: Girl 2: Blah 0
When Girl's friend got home, she tried a honey hazelnut muffin and used the words 'superb' and 'so good' to describe it
Score: Girl 3: Blah 0
Girl had minor success with making fondant this afternoon...
Score: Girl 3½: Blah 0
Girl tried to make fondant animals and produced these mouldy looking beasties...

Score: Girl 3½: Blah 367
Girl retires for the night...she knows when she's defeated...
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