Friday, November 14, 2008

Saturday Lunch

Girl loves sitting out in her sunny garden with a lovely lunch. Today's lunch was quite a heavy one for a summer's day but Girl was feeling more than a little peckish. And greed did play more than a small part in the decision to make pork chop with a fresh salsa on the side.

Grilled pork chop with tomato, cucumber and avocado salsa and salad leaves.

The pork chop was coated with cumin, curry powder, salt, sugar, sesame oil and the smallest splosh of black vinegar. (Girl does not know where she picked up this penchant for adding black vinegar to her dishes...) The lovely, juicy chop was then grilled in Girl's George Foreman grill. Lovely...

While the pork chop was grilling away, Girl chopped up tomatoes, half an avocado and some cucumber into a bowl and seasoned it with lemon juice and a little salt. Yumminess!

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